by: Louis Foong
Like it, love it, hate it, but you simply can’t ignore it—social media is a common discussion topic and you’ve got to stay up to speed. Not because you need to be doing all of this and all the time, but you are expected to be aware of commonly used social media terminology.
Here I have compiled a list of 15 essential social media related terms that I find useful knowing about as a B2B marketing professional.
Connections: This is kind of like the online version of your business network connections. As a LinkedIn user, these are other users you choose to ‘connect’ with. What can you do if you are a connection in someone’s LinkedIn network? You can view their ‘full’ profile instead of only their ‘public’ profile, you can send them a message in private and share updates with them.
Circles: The community groups that can be built by users on Google+.